
Classes is an app which makes it easier for G-Suite Administrators and Teachers to manage Google Classroom. It provides methods for bulk archiving classes and adding/removing users to participate in classes (either as teachers or students). In short, it adds missing management functionality to Google Classroom.


As well as management the app also features simple analysis tools. These give the user to ability to see a summary of recent classroom activity, as well as student engagement. This analysis can be viewed on a classroom level (which students have not been engaging recently) or on a pupil level (which classes has a pupil not been engaging with).


Finally, the app also allows for outputs to Google Sheets of all this analysis data and also a sophistaticed view of grades from right across multiple classrooms. See the gradesheet tutorial below for more detailed information!

Use Cases / Tutorials

Explaining Gradesheets

How to generate, understand and best use a Classes Gradesheet

View Tutorial
Managing Class Members

How administrators can easily add, remove and move Classroom members

View Tutorial

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